The Perfused Fractal

I’m listening to your tone.
Fading to one’s own existence
my miserable brain tries
to make the incomprehensible
You are a riddle,
my very personal Theory of Everything,
the mystery
which binds me more
than the thought of the best hypothesis
to explain you,
because you are unapproachable.

Every analogy to describe you
fails to express your true complexity.
Perhaps you are
– and I dare to say “only” –
an analogy of recursive analogies,
a loop opening into itself,
that provides consciousness
here and there.

I hear you
in each of my thoughts,
see you
in everything
that is in front of me,
recognize you
in all your variations,
because you are diversity.
You are God.
You are chaos,
you are life.
And I would give everything
to understand you.

But this would probably
end in fatal inception;
I see it coming;
Because no human of this or another time
can ever fathom
the unfathomable.
Perhaps it’s indeed a fact
that I will never comprehend you.

do facts still exist
if they have fractions
bearing inside themselves?
…if they themselves are not fundemental building blocks
as well as the metaphorically decaying, zero-dimensional point particles.

Who are you? Who am I?
I am the universe, and you are me!
I am the fact, you the analogy,
but in the upshot
we are one
in perfection.

Analogy is fact,
and fact is analogy;
Isn’t this simply

of unequal sides
proves to be paradoxical
at first sight.
But this holistic thought shows
that reductionism
isn’t far away too.

Two-dimensional images
of three-dimensional objects
show up quickly
in the dazzing nature
of light.

Thus nothingness is indeed
the foundation of everything
and the world
only a single projection
of twisted loops,
mirrored, knotted,
twisted in the ocean
of spatio-temporal paradoxes.

I’m an analogy,
of an analogy,
self-reference characterizes me.
I’m full,
so I’m empty at the same time,
the sheet that fills itself,
the black hole of my self,
a closed causality
that’s never fully closed;
The perfused fractal!

You will never know who I am,
yet you know it already
since the beginning of your time.
Because I am you,
and you are me.


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