Phi Dance

The sequence starts;
One plus one equals two,
continues; one and two is three;
two and three gives us five…

my little friend,
a constant of the approximative value
one comma six one eight!

A ratio
so golden
and a sequence
so pure!

Numbers are juggle balls;
Play around,
my beloved mathemagicians,
and see; It’s all just a game!

Divide one by one,
two by one,
three by two,
five by three,
eight by five
and see:

It will dance around
a mysterious axis,
in this case
called “phi”.

my little numbers;
dance around the axis
of pure mysteries!

One plus the square root of five
divided by two
creates a number’s hive
of beautiful patterns recognized by you!

Elementary Particles of Numbers

I am

what I am.

I am the elementary particle

of whole numbers, and a mathematical fundament

appearing to be utterly random and chaotic, yet full of magic.

You might think I am just chaotic, just a number, a random figure.

But I have to tell you I’m far more than that, for I am a prime number.

I’m the elementary particle of numbers; if you split me you can’t, because I’m a master of my own!