Misconception of Chaos

You may say
I’m random,
but, my dear,
that’s not the case!

I follow rules
like in your deterministic views.
But you have to know
I’m very sensitive to change.

I’m a complex system
of my own,
not as easy
as in your simplified view.

Can you see the structures
deep within?
Can you recognize the patterns
deep inside my heart?

I am chaos;
I am not randomness;
I am order
in a very twisted sense!

Deterministic Chaos

The twisted sense
of cause and effect
is like a lens
distorting the utterly exact.

How can you determine the exact outcome
of a really chaotic universe
whose sensitivity to the change of initial conditions
makes it unpredictable at its best?

The fact is
we live in a reality
of pure probability
and collapsing wave-functions
in which only interaction
kills these oddities
no one can seem to understand.

And just as you thought
you understood the logical sequence
you didn’t even understand decoherence’s very beautiful essence.

This is me, my dear;
It’s nothing you should have to fear!

I’m the destroyer
(of stagnation),
yet a creator of my own!

This, my beloved friends,
is all I am;
You can call me Destroyer of predictability,
or simply
Deterministic Chaos.

Laplace and Poincaré

Laplace and Poincaré
and the ways
they saw the universe
were indeed contradictions.

One thought;
cause and effect,
that must be,
utterly strict.

The other one supposed
there must be more than that,
a speciality
with a kind of pure uncertainty.

In the eyes of Laplace
the cosmos is a clockwork
whose functions could be determined
only by causality.

Other than that,
in Poincaré’s eyes
the universe is chaotic,
simply unpredictable for exact outcomes.

The battle between
determinism and probabilism
is excerted
in far higher levels now.

Can you hear the melodies of Quantum Mechanics
that fight against the rhythms of General Relativity
and fusion in the most beautiful way
to form the symphony of our universe.